Friday, April 13, 2007

for the girl's rainbows&clouds

i love you, you, you, you and you sooooo much! but i can't say it out. i hope u understand. i don't know how. it's just never done. but i really hope that one day, we can all say that, show that, freely... one day...

there is a girl whom i know, whom i love, who wants to slide down the rainbows and hop from cloud to cloud.... and she yearns for that. and oh if only i could tell her, that there is One, if He could make the rainbows, surely He is able to make a slide out of it, if He could make the clouds, won't He let His children dance upon them? and He so loved His children in this world that He would send His perfect Son to suffer the cross, that through Him we may live. isn't this love perfect enough? if only i could her, this girl, whom i love, but not as much as He loves her, this girl, whom i know, but not as much as the Heavenly Father who made her, and knew every strand of hair on her head, and knows every tear she cry. when will she know? when will i tell her?

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