Wednesday, January 24, 2007

what's a birthday?

it's easy the first time. birthday is that day when i was born into this world, the day God brought me into Earth, my first breath of air...

now what about the years following that? the same date, of other years? it seemed birthday consists of
a)birthday cake
c)the song

in short its to make someone feel special, it's their special day, they are special that day.

turning 21 this year, on this day, in campus...i had some time to ponder. not because i'm free, it's just because i'm self-absorbed. whether its the fault of birthday tradition n mentality or the plain fact that i am vain, i dont know, but i am self absorbed.

i expected to be surrounded by people, doing something different, feeling very important, etc...but nope. it's just any other day. it's just that yesterday midnight i had a celebration with friends, a birthday cake, and 2 presents. i was so high then. and it kinda plummeted today. everyone is back to their schedule...and i'm still left thinking, it's my day.

i am not saying i should be given special honour and all. i am saying it's time i stop being so self-obsessed and place myself so high up there. cause i'm not. the world didn;t stop rotating just because i was born.

lunch!just found someone to have lunch with. thought i was going to not eat as i dont feel like eating alone. =)

i thank God for teaching me new things everyday. i have no doubt i am special, that i am fearfully and wonderfully made, that my God is a creative God. but its time to know my place too.

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