Monday, February 8, 2010

welcome to my heart

and in church I realised, that God would much rather be welcomed into our hearts, than into the most fancy of churches, because the door of our hearts are so much more precious to Him.

thank You for making me feel special, loved and precious. For I know You cared more for the condition of my heart, than the fame of the church. My willingness to open the door when You knock. I wanted so much to give You the permission to break down the door when I am just so stubborn, but You .. I think You want me to open it myself. Because You gave me the choice. In life's journey, in my relationship with You, You wouldn't want me to be a passive bystander, You want me to be actively involved; in the decision-making, in the actions, in the results. You want me to be part of it, Your great plan, to own it, and the only way is to be responsible, to make choices. Again and again.

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