Wednesday, December 2, 2009

bits n chunks

be careful what you wish for. so says the some horror flick. but i wonder at times whether it's me, the situation or God. previously i complained of no work to do. this week work came piling on top of me. sure makes me think twice before i complain of having no work. the work that came wasn't my favorite: packing. and to top it off, i felt like i was getting no help! then two nights ago i prayed for divine intervention. still, an angel didn't come and zap all my work away. =) i asked an elderly lady for help, and she agreed. i guess when i pray for help, sometimes i need to ask people too. God can work in many ways.

tomorrow i'm going to bring to work a small soft toy i got from a friend in a fair. that bear is gonna share my stress by allowing me to squeeze it. i hope there is no Bear Rights Association or law that prohibits me from this cruel act.

i'm not miserable, just sometimes down. Father, is this where You want me to be? I may get busy, but i don't want to lose sight of what i really want in life. i don't want to settle down and be comfortable, and forget my dreams. i want to constantly be inspired, be motivated to move further in my life's journey. please, please don't let me hope for time to pass faster, because time is flying already. please don't let me work just for the money, and then use up the money to pay bills, shop, work to get more short, please don't let life be that type of routine, that clockwork. please, inspire me. please open my heart to live each day more.

help me find my dream that is aligned to Yours for me. help me fall in love again.

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